Have a Spicy Day!

While our last yoga teacher urged us to “do our best”, the teacher today commanded “Be there!” She also told me to “lose your body” as she squished me floorward in an extreme child’s pose. (I’d always kind of liked child’s pose before that). I refrained from telling her that I’d like to lose some of my body, if that were possible.

We’ve been in Rishikesh long enough now that we’re starting to recognize some shop keepers, hotel staff, waiters and some of the cows and street dogs - similar to knowing all the street people on Princess St. There’s the cow with a broken horn who waits for his daily hamburger bun at a sari shop, the smiling barber, knitter, and stall keeper (not sure what he sells but he always greets us with a “Hari Om!”. I hope that’s not Hindi for “Get the hell out of here, you pale-faced, Lycra-clad Westerners”).

One of our highlights has been a cooking class with Masala Cooking. Amit has been a banker, but now owns a spice shop here, plus the cooking school and a spice farm in Rajastan. His wife, Lilu, was our cooking class overseer, assisted by her 7-year old son, Nemet, and a neighbor. We waited a few minutes for the 3 girls from Texas to join us, which was enough time for Nemet to start clearing my men off the chessboard. We learned to make The Mother Sauce, (which would allow us to make 5 other sauces), chai tea, chutney, rice and vegetables. We can also cure just about any ailment with our extensive Ayurvedic herbal knowledge.

We ran into Lilu’s brother, who owns the shop next to Amit’s spice shop, later that day. He wished us “a spicy evening “. It’s nice to feel at home...


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