Meditation by Elephants

Every morning it’s 6 am meditation with BrahmDev, the Swami who heads up the AuroValley ashram where we’re staying. This morning, about 10 minutes in, we heard a loud noise and then an even louder eruption of barking dogs. “Was that an elephant!?!” Since the Swami left to check things out, we took our cue and followed.
From the roof of our residence we saw a big guy with enormous tusks stroll through the field below, give himself a dust bath and meander toward some nearby houses. The field is also home to a haram of deer that apparently belong to another big guy with antlers. There are also wild boars running around and squawking parrots everywhere.
Tomorrow we go to another ashram for a week. The one we’re in now is supposed to be the ‘luxury’ version and tomorrow we’re at the ‘basic’. This may be my last post for awhile.


  1. Dear Unlikely Yogi - I'm enjoying sharing your journey! I'm just back from French Polynesia and look forward to catching up with you and charting the next grand adventures. You're the bomb and I love ya! Always yours, Carolyn

  2. The Wild boar is an excellent source of protein should you grow weary of eating berries, rice, sticks, straw, leaves, and various yet undefined ' grains'. Many blessings on you, your Elephant, during your journey. Follow the light. badhaiyaan


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